Friends, family, and brothers in Freemasonry, I bow before the divinity that animates you. I have so much respect and love for all of you, yet sometimes my human frailties may belie the sentiment, but I assure you my heart recognizes who you really are and I am struck to tears by the beauty of the GAOTU’s grace animating your presence on the Earth. Our multi-year journey of discovery is about to culminate with some amazing revelations about our recent history. I feel we are close to discovering who we really are and where we came from. We may even discover the source of the technology that was used to build the massive stone masonry located all around the planet, and most significantly here in our own country. Up to this point we looked at how we observe, and that there is a constant aspect to awareness that is the same for all of us that goes on all the time without cessation and as a result we are unaware of it and pay attention instead to the images, the map if you will, that our ego paints on top of it, that part of us that constantly decides that things mean one thing or another, when actually things are both at the same time. We looked at dielectricity, or the aether, which is similar to the sense of awareness in that it exists in all objects and all space and has similarly been ignored. We discovered that Plotinus, Plato, and Pythagoras, great thinkers that are behind much of Masonic philosophy, knew of dielectricity or aether, and even knew and totally understood the math by which it behaves when in a coherent state, creating many of the geometric shapes we find in nature and the cosmos.
We looked at how to be an autodidactic, or self taught person. Scholars go to school and memorize what other people believed in. We are each of us capable of the same level of understanding and thought as those people whom our teachers quoted, and as an autodidactic you will be able to look at the evidence of our history and draw your own conclusions, which I warn you are likely to be considerably, indeed wildly different from what we were taught.
We looked at the dating of our recent past, and how maps, books, sculpture, and art of the 1200’s through the 1700’s demonstrate a numbering system of dates that had an i, J, or X in front of the date to indicate that many years since the time of Jesus (Iesus, Jesus, or Christos), which character got changed to a one by Joseph Scaliger, a French religious leader, so that instead of “700 years since Jesus” it became “1700 years since Jesus”. Historians agree that the i, J, or X did refer to Jesus; this isn’t a made up conspiracy theory, but they won’t speak of it in this context, so clearly historians have their head in the sand a little bit about this dating conundrum.
We looked at the work of Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko who studied astronomy events described in the official Scaliger timeline and discovered 1000 years of fabricated history added to our timeline, something that Sir Isaac Newton wrote several books on the subject some 120 years after Scaliger, as his own research found this fabrication. This means that the giant stone architecture we will look at was not built as far back in history as we’ve been lead to believe. It suggests the lost technologies employed were lost more recently than we are told.
The Greek and Roman periods were closer to us than we thought. Jesus lived a thousand years closer to us that we were told.So while we are very close to being ready to look at some actual architecture, there is yet another subject you should be aware of. That is sound. Or rather, vibration, or frequency. I have always thought that the lost word of Freemason lore refers to a vibration, a frequency. Maybe the frequency to melt or levitate stone. Maybe a healing frequency. Maybe a power transmission frequency. Maybe all of that and more. Maybe off planet travel. Have you looked at the thousands of crystal clear photos from the Mars rover Opportunity? Ruined architecture, sculptures, and machined parts everywhere.
When we hear a word in a foreign language it sounds like an undulating almost musical sound. A “word” is a in a sense a piece of music; a melodic combination of frequencies. We most recently spoke about electricity and light, both of which have a frequency, the speed of which we learned is the speed of propagation, not of photons or electrons flying through the air or down the wire. Sound refers to frequencies that are audible to the human ear, and perhaps sounds can also refer to frequencies that are out of human audible range but can be heard by animals. Frequencies outside of the audible range certainly impact things different than ears and could be considered sound to that thing. Microwaves for example excite water. A certain frequency when aimed at the bladder will break up kidney stones. Small objects can be levitated with sound frequencies. Radio frequencies vibrate crystal hundreds of miles away (think crystal radio).
Cymatics is a subset of modal vibrational phenomena. In other words, a cymatic response to sound is a posterior attribute of the coherence of the vibration which can be seen in water, glass, or sand. To demonstrate it we place a loudspeaker beneath either a bowl of water with suspended reflective powder in it, or a steel or glass plate with sand or salt on it, and hook the speaker up to a tone generator. As the knob on the tone generator is turned from very low audible frequencies up to the highest audible frequencies,
along the way at different specific frequencies beautiful geometric patterns emerge, each frequency generating a different pattern. These sounds travel through the medium of air, and impact objects at a distance. Cymatics is the study of the patterns generated by audible frequencies.
Tesla expanded on this concept with Wardenclyffe Tower, which generated a frequency that traveled some distance to be harvested for it’s work doing ability. You would call that work doing ability electricity of course, a vibration that does work.
Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) is famous for his Rife Microscope, of which he made 5 in his career. Please look up images of it, it was an amazing and complex machine that was capable of viewing, and filming with video, live viruses. It is said there has not been a visual microscope made yet that rivals it’s performance. It outperforms scanning electron microscopes with which one can only view dead virus cells. When you look at pictures of the microscope you will be struck by the education and capability of someone to make such a device, so when you read further that he was discredited by the medical community and died penniless, don’t be too quick to label him a charlatan. What he is purported to have done with his microscope is observe live viruses while he bombarded them with frequencies aimed at them with another machine he designed and built. He sought out radio level frequencies that were in resonance with the frequency of the virus and thus explode them like an opera singer breaking a glass by finding it’s resonant frequency. He is said to have demonstrated it to many people advanced in the medical and scientific fields who were amazed at the results. There were medical trials where people were cured of disease. After you read the extant literature on the subject and about Royal Raymond Rife himself (what a curious name), you can draw your own conclusion, but I rather think he was on to something. Some researchers believe he was vilified by the profit making medical industry on purpose. Just because of our advanced age as a species do not think that we might not have already passed over inventions and understandings in our past that were more advanced than what we choose to believe in now.
Regardless, clearly vibration, whether vibrating the air or the aether, impacts the phenomenal space. It can be weaponized. It can cause heat, it can do work. It can vibrate a little slice of crystal rock hundreds of miles a way which can be amplified and heard. It can heal. Why this matters is there are giant stone buildings all around the world which share the same architectural elements, a key example the cymatic signature we find on so many of these buildings that are called ‘rose circles’. These are found on the front of cathedrals and
similar looking buildings that were most likely originally used for different purposes than religion. Often the circle has a giant tower on either side. These same giant stone edifices also incorporated monstrous pipe organs. We are told the organs in cathedrals and the mathematical looking shape to the naves and shaped ceilings is all about reference to leading the soul to heaven or some such, but maybe instead they were shaping frequencies, or sound. Maybe they were sound lasers. Maybe they caused healing, or sent power out to the town. There are paintings from before photographs that show beams of energy going out from the “cathedral” in many directions over the town and being intercepted by other towers. It looks like power transmission, not unlike Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower.
There are paintings from the so-called medieval period that show knights in armor with swords in their hands but they are not hacking at each other. Rather there are beams of lightening looking energy going from the “church” steeple to their armor, and they are throwing what look like round balls of plasma energy at each other, with shields with pointy antenna things on them capturing the energy and dissipating it. Where these artists painting early science fiction, or is that a more accurate depiction of what armor and swords were really for originally?
Often these buildings are found in the middle of literally nowhere, with a small local population. In many cases these buildings were made from brick. In Russia there are hundreds of such buildings, many in rural areas so remote they would have had to build a brick factory on site in order to make the millions of bricks required to make the buildings often with 3 meter thick walls. Many of these buildings, all around the planet, found on every continent, have a repeating red and white pattern over arched openings. Many of these buildings have had giant clocks placed in what were giant shaped portals that appear to have originally been used for some other reason. Many of these buildings involved two towers, one on either side of horn shaped sound emitting looking openings, or giant ‘rose circles’.
Many of these buildings have dozens of tall steeples with giant tall metal crosses on them, except they are not Christian crosses. They are complex antenna looking shapes with lots of steel fingers, balls placed at harmonic looking spacing, often with wires still attached today running down inside the building. Inside these buildings we find interesting architectural features that look like some kind of resonating chambers. Maybe people stood in them for healing. Maybe they were for transportation. We really have no idea, but the concept that horse and buggy people with hammers and chisels built these monstrous structures for praying to God and getting married seems unlikely.
To look for a moment at pipe organs, do a Google search for “city hall of Perth Australia pipe organ” and also look at the one in Sydney and the amazing city hall buildings they are in. We are told they were built as dedicated city halls, but doesn’t it look like any other cathedral of it’s period? It is said to have been built between 1867 and 1870, which seems remarkable considering it was said to be built by a combination of “convicts and free men”, with horse and buggy technology, in three years. Look at the immensity of the building and the volume of bricks. Look at the complex shaped domes and parapets with dozens of antenna looking rods sticking out of them. Why would the earliest builders (the city was founded in 1829) spend such an incredible amount of money and manpower to create such an incredible building? Most every other building we look at built anywhere on the planet at this period were rough shod wood and stone buildings built to get a job done, not a giant architectural edifice. We will see many examples of architecture like this all over the world that appears to have been built by people of a higher level of technical capability than the people who maybe found the buildings, dug them out of whatever happened, then claimed they built them. We will see examples of supposed photos of construction, but they all look staged, by men that do not look like builders, and the buildings are always complete in the picture, or are in the process of being dug out of a field of mud around the building, or in stages of repair, but never a photo that looks like actual new construction.
These supposed new construction photos show the buildings with giant burn marks on the sides, blown out windows and walls, and more like a cataclysm or war went through than new construction.While you’re on Google, look up images of “rose circles”. Are they cymatic frequency patterns? Look at how many of these buildings have two towers, almost like, or maybe exactly like, Jachin and Boaz, flanking a giant rose circle. We see this architectural element of two towers on either side of an emitter looking feature all over the world. Was it just for looks? Built by peoples of widely different cultures that had very little, if any contact with each other? Or maybe there was a global technologically connected society? Maybe these buildings were built for a different purpose and people took them over not knowing what they were really for, called them places of religion (or government, or insane asylums as we will see), and pretended that they built them?
Remember the goal: we are looking for clues in art, science, astronomy, and architecture for a secret that I believe Masonry holds close to her bosom, a secret that has to do with a lost technology that was used to build the megalithic stone buildings that Freemasonry overtly points our attention to secrets embodied in King Solomon’s Temple. Secrets that may have to do with a lost word, a lost sound, a lost frequency. Secrets that I believe were lost in the recent past, and indeed may not be lost in the truest sense of the word, as it may be that we have a mortal enemy that continues to utilize these technologies and endeavors to keep us ignorant through helping us to believe our history is older than it is, and that our prior buildings that utilized aether based technology for machine like purposes were built either in the distant past or the very recent past to be places of worship and libraries and government buildings.
There is much to look at in more detail about stone architecture which we will pick up next month. Melted stone, molded stone, and remnants of electrical type technology. I can not wait to show you what these buildings have to show us about what happened during the period of what I’ve come to call the “great forgetting” that occurred perhaps in 1855. Not that long ago. Well within the period of photography, of which there are a ton of amazing pictures. Like cannons lined up with their cannon balls stacked next to them in neat large pyramids, except the holes in the cannon’s barrels are much smaller than the cannon balls. Sometimes dramatically so. Some canons had a whole bunch of little holes in the end. Did the steel balls stacked in an arrangement of the Tree of Life serve as a power source to make the canons do something besides throw the balls? Maybe sonic weapons? Some supposed ancient canons actually look more like concrete mixers than some kind of shooting device. Many of these so called canons had no way of being moved or of elevating their angle. When shot, they explode as if they weren’t really designed for that purpose. Some are so short as to not be able to create any velocity or accuracy out of a ball shot out of them.
Stay tuned for next month. There is much more to discover. Withhold your immediate leaps to beliefs you have about what I’m writing about, because the observations are absolutely correct, and the interpretations by the historians we learned from in school may all be invented fantasy. We are going to learn we actually have a completely different history that just wasn’t recognized before. I’m not sure I believe in a continuing conspiracy; rather maybe we just forgot. We are a species in amnesia and our education system has taught us to believe without question that everything taught in school is how things were and if you question what the entire world believes to be true, you must be a wacko. Take your time. Look with me at the evidence, then as a true autodidactic reductionist thinker like the great Greek philosophers you will come to a realization that Freemasonry may very well hold some real secrets that I believe may hold the keys for humanity’s own survival.
Michael's Masonic Esoterica
May 2020 Esoterica
Michael's Masonic Esoterica